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2.01.20 Posted By Alison Anders Uncategorized

Cupid’s Arrow

Who needs Cupid? The holiday season has overtaken February as the most popular time of year to pop the question. So, it should come as no surprise that December ushered in many new Facebook status updates for newly engaged Ocotillians. Cheers! But, I wouldn’t be “Legally Speaking” if I didn’t hit you with my...
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12.06.19 Posted By Amber Guymon Uncategorized

Blended Holidays

The most wonderful time of the year is upon us once again. If you’re like me, you feel more pressure at this time of the year than any other. My to-do list is a mile longer than usual, I don’t yet have holiday decorations displayed, and I’m dreading the purchase of gifts for my...
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11.02.19 Posted By Alison Anders Divorce

Dividing Pensions in Divorce

Although the popularity of pensions has been declining in recent years, many employees still rely on pensions or ”defined benefit” plans as their primary source of retirement income. In a defined benefit plan, the employee pays into a fund during their working years and receives a fixed monthly income at retirement, based on the...
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10.08.17 Posted By Amber Guymon Bankruptcy,Divorce

Gilbert-based Family and Bankruptcy Lawyer

Amber Guymon grew up in a legal-minded household as the daughter. of a Salt Lake City attorney and a superior court judicial assistant. “Talk at the dinner table was all about court cases and litigation," she says. "I remember discussing the strategy and the stories with my parents. My dad would try so hard...
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